Ella Ferguson

Ella Ferguson was born in Dallas, Texas and has lived all over the United States. She’s currently studying both Photography and Graphic Design at the University of Georgia and will receive her dual degrees in the spring of 2016.

WaterCow 001

InTruck 001

calendar 001

feeding 005

His name is John Wayne

My grandpa was born on the land owned by his family since 1889. He has lived in small town Texas his entire life. He tells stories of when he was young: riding horses to church, sleeping outside on hot summer nights, and working at the feed mill to build strength for the Navy. Today, his days are spent on the same land raising cattle, baling hay, and looking after my grandma, his sweetheart of 56 years. With the advance of age and time, this lifestyle begins to fall away, leaving a struggle to remember the way things used to be and preserve the memories made. This series is a documentary of places, people, and a life lived by a man named John Wayne.

feed mill 002

redhead 003

table 001

burritos 001

road 001

pop_Bruce 001

cattleguard 001

HardhatFinal 001

bruce_guns 001

cooking2 001

To view more of Ella’s work please visit her website.